Monday, June 14, 2010

The Map of True Places

The Map of True Places by Brunonia Barry is not a book on the 1001 Book List, but I got for free (also signed) and read it as part of the book discussion for this month for one of the book clubs I am in. This is definitely a change of pace from what I have been reading, very heavy books and it was nice to go back to some of the chick lit. However, this book definitely touched me, especially with the relationship between the main character Zee and her father Finch. Finch is suffering from Parkinsons, and he has kicked his boyfriend Melville out of the house and this leaves Zee, who is becoming a successful shrink in Boston, but is unsettled at the suicide from one of her patients, to take care of her ailing father.

Their relationship made me cry, as my grandfather only recently passed away from lukemeia and watching a loved one suffer and there is nothing that you can do is so hard to go through and I felt as if I was reliving it all over again. Same thing between Finch and his home aide Jessina. Jessina reminded me of my grandpa's CNA at the Veterans Home. There is one scene in the book where Jessina is dressing Finch and another where she is baking him cookies and I cried as well. It was so vivid and so real. It is interesting to note that Barry's father passed away from Parkinsons so this really is coming from the heart, from someone who has been there.

The book was a good read, though there are plenty of spots where I was left unsatisfied, especially with Zee's fiance Michael, who leaves her. Also, the relationship that occured between Hawk and Liliana was a little to unbelievable to me. However, I do recommend this book, definitely enjoyed the imagery and the writing style.

On to the next, The Red Tent. Which also isn't on the list, but the one after, The Count of Monte Cristo is!

Happy Reading

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