Sunday, July 11, 2010

Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There

I have been gone for a couple of weeks, school has been very busy. I've been having a hard time with juggling school and all of my reading for my groups. I have been tacking the Count of Monte Cristo, and I am way past the deadline nor did I read Pride and Prejudice (although I have already read it) so I will have to get through the readings and keep my other ones on time. School and reading 1400 page books does not mix well!

But anyway, I have just finished reading Through The Looking Glass and What Alice Found There by C.S. Lewis. A book of whimsy. It really is a children's book and I really wish I still had the imagination of a child because I wish I could fully understand the book. Youth is wasted on the young. To me, reading the book was like speaking to a young child. There really is no rhyme or reason as to how things come about, it is really lots of action that happens and you have no idea how any of it all came about. It definitely has more of a linear story line than Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, but still very one scene happens, then the next, but really no cohesiveness. I realize it was one of the style of writing of the times so I suppose it would make sense. It is a short story, only 80 or so pages. It really is a whimsical book, I really wish that I was a child so that I could fully appreciate the story. Alice is such a wonderful character, a wonderful child and I really wish I could connect with this character. Definitely read this book to a child, as I am much sure they will appreciate the book much more than I wish I could. On to the next!

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