Friday, May 25, 2012

Fifty Shades Freed or a Lousy Way to End the Series

THANK GOD for classic literature because I think my vocabulary regressed during the two weeks it took me to read the Fifty series. I mean, if the biggest word that you use just so happens to be "aptly" and you think that "my hot, beautiful husband" are the best adjectives ever, then congratulations, you've just read at your reading level! You get a gold star! I am not a literature snob, I promise (step 1 is denial) but holy hell, someone get this bitch a thesaurus. I've said it once, and I'll say it again: if I am able to guess what the next line in a book is going to be because all you do is repeat yourself, Sir, we have a major problem. I've said it to numerous people now that even the crappiest author of the crappiest series (Twilight, I am looking at you) at least makes an attempt to use different words (even if your sentences are quite elementary) but E.L. James doesn't even try to expand word usage. Not even a little bit. How many times can you say "hot husband" in one paragraph? Apparently a lot. I really believe the cause of this (and not because her writing SUCKS) but because these books were rushed to market and the editors share considerable blame as well because even people I talk to who don't necessarily read a lot, have made the same conclusions that E.L. James repeats herself, over and over. It's nauseating. Take a basic English lit course. If any of my Johnston peeps are reading this and took Mr. DiMeo for History I or II or even if they took a class with Mrs. Volante, you know that they would have desecrated a paper with that many words. I am talking about English at a high school level. Conclusion: E.L. James must write at the middle school level. I kid, because I hope that middle school kids don't write about erotica. I cringe.

Now, I am not saying that I am the best writer in the world by any means, BUT I am also not publishing my shit. For someone who is making millions upon millions, at least learn how to write at an adult level (I'm looking at you Stephanie Meyers). So, I will stop here at my ripping apart of E.L. James writing and we will talk about how much I hated Fifty Shades of Crap.

I wanted to like this book. I really did. Now mind you, I don't agree with the whole "Ana marries Grey after about 4 weeks together" bullshit. I'm sorry, this shit does not happen in real life. If it does, bitches get divorced in a few months. This ain't no happily ever after. This is more happily hopping on his dick for the next couple of years. Once that gets old, well, he'll find a new side piece because Ana whines this whole book. I want to job in and bitch slap the dumb out of her. You've married this rich guy (that you keep reminding me every chapter that he is rich, as if us plebeians didn't hear you the first 100 times) and you don't know if you can love him the way he needs to be or whatever else you are feeling. I feel as if Ana regresses in this book. She is not strong, she is stupid. So we have a raging lunatic trying to kill Grey on the loose, so it's a great idea not only head out on the town with Kate (who is so pretty and tan and happy, as we are reminded constantly) but it's also a great idea to meet with the psycho ex-sub who shows up at your work. Dumb bitch. She makes stupid decisions then cries when Christian completely goes psycho. Then they have sex. However, the sex is tired at this point. It's nothing new. It's the same shit. Only in the first few chapters is it even interesting, then it becomes boring and you've read it all before.

The plot, that could exist, emerges occasionally but is usually all over the place. Jack Hyde, Ana's former boss, is after them but seems to always be one step ahead and manages to escape. The plot seems to be forced in and never flows with the rest of the story. I wanted to throw up in my mouth because of all the rainbows and butterflies that seem to emanate from E.L. James though process. I'm sorry, you're suppose to be writing a story on this BSDM relationship, I really don't need you to tie everything up with a bow. I would've done without it. However, this is precisely what James does. Let's tie it all up people! See how happy BSDM couples can be! Ugh, gag me. As I said, there isn't too much positive to say about this book. Kate gets engaged to Elliot (really? after a few months of dating, he is a notorious womanizer!), Ana gets pregnant because she is a dumbass. I'm sorry that just got me so pissed. Any normal person who is taking birth control does not put off her SHOT so she doesn't get pregnant you stupid bitch. Ana tells Christian, Christian gets pissed. However, this is the rich part. When she tells him that she was pregnant, he tells her How can you get Pregnant, we've all known each other for 5 minutes! NO SHIT SHERLOCK! Why did you get married!?? UGH! There are not enough exclamation points to even begin to demonstrate how I feel. But no worries, James makes sure Hyde is caught (there is a kidnapping thrown in there), Christian accepts his new bundle of joy (whom Ana names Blimp until they know for sure what they are having). We get a cute epilogue that you can trudge through.

So positives? At the end of the novel ,we get Christian's perspective on his first 2 meetings with Ana. That was the best part of the whole novel. No, I am not kidding. I am getting heartburn because I am getting so angry about this book. I will not re-read this ever again. I am now reading The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte to gain some knowledge back. Thank god. I think I am slowly returning back to normal form. If you liked the books, all the power to you. I am just sharing you my honest opinion. Many people like the books. Go see them on



Unknown said...

I completely agree with you on most of this. James was very repetitive, beyond the catch phrases ("We aim to please"). This entire series would have made a great deal more sense with an editor, and some lapse of time. Honestly, Ana's mother has had 4 marriages, you would think she could tell her daughter that marrying someone you've known for 3 months is a terrible idea! Instead it was kinky sex, followed by sunshine and kittens. The whole 'fixing him' and his fifty shades of fucked up business was far less interesting than it was in the first two books, mostly because it was constantly interrupted by Ana being a dip-shit, or the plot getting in the way. I think I'm going to go read something wholesome now, like Narnia.

KarinaR said...

haha! I am so glad to agree with my sentiments! Love the Chronicles of Narnia, fantastic series!