Monday, August 24, 2009

She can ruin your faith with her casual lies

I always say I am going to be a consistent blogger and I always forget to do this. I always tell myself, "Oh I need to write in my blog" and then as soon as I remember to do it, I just as quickly forget.

Another monkey wrench in my so called life. I am going to take classes part time at school, further pushing my graduation date because why, because that's just how my life seems to be going at this point. I will not dwell on this. I can get through this. I want to graduate. That is my goal and I will get it done. Nothing will stop me.

What is the topic of the day?
I need to find a new book to read. I started reading The Appeal by John Grisham, but then I read the end after I had read about 100 pages, which I am not sure why I did but I did so now the book is ruined for me because the ending made me mad and it sucks. The funny thing is, is that the ending probably happens. People buy their way into power. Not to ruin it for anyone, but do yourself a favor, you will get worked up and pissed off when you finally get to the end. So don't read it. It is a good read, I do enjoy reading John Grisham novels, but this one made me mad!
Suggestions for any books that I can read? I have been an Agatha Christie kick for awhile now and I think I do have two books in my closet to read. Speaking of, I need to organize my closet. Once I get that puppy organized I am going to photograph it. Then frame it.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Why Apartment Living sucks

I am a horrible blogger. I always wish I could make money off of these things, but then I would have to give up my day job and that makes me money. Besides, who is interested in my life? I need to learn how to post pictures on here because I have plenty to share.

So the topic of the day is how much I hate my apartment complex. It is not so much that I hate the apartment itself, which is great, nice and roomy, minus the fact that the dishwasher sucks at cleaning and the a/c no longer keeps us cool, but that is neither here nor there. The people who have moved in, especially since July 1st, are trashy jerks. And they are SOBs. They are rude, they do not know how to park, they are loud, they don't pick up their dog shit. I mean really. Also, some jerk put dog shit on our door so I called and left a message to the leasing agents and told them to call be back but it has been about three weeks and not one person has called me back. It also doesn't help that one of the leasing agents is my "ex's" current girlfriend. Not that he was every my boyfriend but again that is neither here nor there. She is a complete bitch to me and only deals with my boyfriend. All I want to do is tell her to go fuck herself and to get over it. That shit's been over for 4 years now.
So that's one thing. I mean, who puts dog shit on someone's door? I mean think about it. You have to pick up dog shit and physically place it on the door. You must be a sick, dirty person to even do that. Now mind you (sorry about the visual) but when I have to pick up my own doggie's poo with a plastic baggie, I am sceeved out to no end. Ugh nasty!!!
My other problem with my complex is that we have a pool. Now, I like the pool. It is a decent size and there are plenty of lounge chairs. However, again, the complex sucks at enforcing their own rules. For instance, you are not allowed to drink alcohol at the pool. I get it, liability issues. You don't need a drunk ho drowning in the pool. I haven't seen much of that, but whatever. Same thing with smoking, you are not allowed to smoke in the pool area. That's icky, so I have no problem with that either. I haven't seen any of it, but apparently that is a problem. The other thing is that you are only allowed to use the pool if you LIVE at Willowbrook or if you live at the other complex Picerne owns which is down the road. I am cool with that as well.
Here is what I am not cool with: Assholes taking up parking in my lot (which happens to be next to the pool, but it is not guest parking) when guest parkers are suppose to park near the leasing office and walk down to the pool (which happens to be right next to the leasing office). Also, those same assholes don't know how to park, take all of the parking, or they park on the rode which they are not suppose to do either.
I also hate that people from the neighborhood think they can use the pool. Those jackoffs don't pay rent. So why the hell are they using the pool? When you see people from the neighborhood walking from across the street from the neighborhood which pool stuff then going down to the pool and no one says anything, we have a problem.
The best part is the leasing assholes sent out a reminder notice. They basically said they have seen people breaking rules so they are giving everyone a warning reminding them of it. If they catch anyone breaking the rules, they will be kicked out and can't return for the rest of the summer.

Here is a question. If you see these people breaking the rules, then why don't you tell them when you see them? Shouldn't you nip that shit in the bud as soon as you see it? Like if you see people from the neighborhood walking over to use the pool, shouldn't you kick them out? No. Because PICERNE SUCKS!! Why don;t you make everyone get pool passes? You need to bring a pool pass to use the pool and have someone police it for awhile until the jerkoffs get the hint? Oh wait, you won't because you're picerne and the people who work for you SUCK!!!

Also, another shit thing about Willowbrook, don't tell them you have a dog. Or any animals for that matter. They don't care and don't give a shit. They apparently have "rules" such as no dogs over 40lbs, but I have seen massive breeds, german shepherds and the like. So if you want an apartment complex that is lax on rules and plain ol' doesn't give a shit, move to Willowbrook!


Thank you for listening to my rant. I promise next time my posts won't be so far between and I will share antics from my new kitty Obi Wan Ke-nobi.

You Know You Love Me

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My Life Would Suck Without

However, my life would NOT suck without summer classes.

I would like to take today to discuss how much I love the TLC television show, Say Yes To the Dress. Not sure if many of you have seen it, but it is a reality show (what isn't on tv these days that isn't a television show) that basically takes place at Kleinfelds in NYC where women make appointments with the consultants at Kleinfelds and try on dresses on their quest for the perfect dress.

Reasons why I love it:
Their Fashion Director is the awesomest gay man on television. LOVE HIM. Now I need to remember his name...
It is only a half hour
I love looking at wedding dresses and saying how much I either hate them or love them
I watch it with my boyfriend every friday night and I love hearing his opinion

So basically, you all should just go and watch that show which is on Friday nights on TLC at 10 and 10:30.

Moving onto other topics:
I like to stay away from high school drama, seeing as I am in my twenties. However, once the drama finds me, I get pissed. Such as, if you have no idea what is going on in my life, and I have spoken to you in years, and then I find you you message my boyfriend when we broke up for two months and tell him he is better of without me when I don't speak to you nor have I done anything to you, yeah I am going to be pissed and yeah I am going to make your life hell when I see you, and I will seek you out.

Bitches are dumb and need to stay out of my business. For people who say that they don't like drama, they sure create a lot of it. Now they will deal with the consequences.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Why Can't I drag my lazy self to class?

For the life of me, I can't get myself I class. I have no motivation to do any school work, any thing. It's not that I am stupid or I need to try real hard at school. I don't. Not to sound self important, but I am a pretty smart person. I don't have to try real hard or study as much as the next person. Don't get me wrong, I still study and I study for hours, but I am good at absorbing and remembering information. 
So why do I have no motivation? This is why I am going to be in school forever because I do not have any motivation, not one. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Why I am getting over my Perez Hilton addiction

Sometime in the spring of 2007, a co-worker at a college I was attending introduced me to this amazing gossip blog. She informed me that I could see Britney's nether regions and look at photos that were defaced with drawings of penises and other juvenile graffiti.
It was at this moment the addiction began. I was hooked to this Perez Hilton gossip blog. I checked it constantly, at least 50 times a day, waiting anxiously for the next update. I enjoyed reading the blog. The juvenile photos were funny, the way he trashed celebrities unapologetically was the main reason I kept coming back. It was fresh and innovative and down right hysterical. I found myself laughing out loud constantly. I didn't mind that Perez never trashed talked Paris Hilton (because as it turns out they are friends) or that he obviously showed favoritism to certain stars. It was funny and I enjoyed it.
Then, a strange, yet, I should have seen this coming, thing stared to happen. There were multiple posts on Perez himself. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind an update here or there. I enjoyed the fact that VH1 gave Perez a four-part series on celebritiy gossip. And the fact that he shamelessly promoted it. He is a gossip queen and he is good at it and I think him having a show on it was great. It was a funny show. However, I do not need to know that you are going to be on The View or what your political views are. Or that you went to Paris Hilton's birthday party. I do not give a shit. Give me the gossip!! Stick to what you are good at.
However, I continued to go to his site. Not as much as before, but I did cut it down to only about maybe 20 times a day. Progress! However, I noticed the quality of the blog decreased as much as my visits. It wasn't the same. All I read about was what articles Perez Hitlon would be in, and how great they were, in every single magazine. I really don't care. Good for you, now can we get back to the blog please!? And everything was about Speidi and everyone else on the Hills and Paris and now Lady Gaga. Let's stop being up everyone's ass, okay??
This is what did for me. Perez Hilton loves to trash talk Speidi, the Kardashians, Tara Reid, and plently of other "D-Listers". It's funny and is he ever mean. However, for his 31st Birthday, who does he invite!? Every D-List person he trash talks!! Tara Reid even showed up! I mean, he digs her on the website, a lot worse then many others. He picks on her constantly, yet he invites her his birthday party? And even more stupidly, she shows up. This I don't understand. The Kardashians show up and they have even whored out his book. I just do not understand. There must be something behind the scenes that we, his readers, do not know about.
Even after the birthday, he continues to trash these same people, as if to show us that he can have his cake and eat it too. I don't know about the rest of his readers, but I am fed up. The quality of the blog sucks, he clearly isn't writing his own entries, he borrows from other websites, and I have blatantly seen ideas from the much better and much refreshing blog, D Listed, wound up on Perez's site. I think his readers agree as well, as seen by much perez bashing on comments of his blog.
Perez Hilton's blog use to be the first place I would go to on my computer. He would be the first with the news breaking gossip. Now it is no longer so. I admit now and then I relapse and visits his site maybe once every couple of days, but after readnig one or two entries, I leave. It is no longer funny and half of the entries I have already read on Dlisted or TMZ. I guess Perez Hilton is too concerned with his own celebrity and forgetting what got him there in the first place.