Monday, July 20, 2009

Why Apartment Living sucks

I am a horrible blogger. I always wish I could make money off of these things, but then I would have to give up my day job and that makes me money. Besides, who is interested in my life? I need to learn how to post pictures on here because I have plenty to share.

So the topic of the day is how much I hate my apartment complex. It is not so much that I hate the apartment itself, which is great, nice and roomy, minus the fact that the dishwasher sucks at cleaning and the a/c no longer keeps us cool, but that is neither here nor there. The people who have moved in, especially since July 1st, are trashy jerks. And they are SOBs. They are rude, they do not know how to park, they are loud, they don't pick up their dog shit. I mean really. Also, some jerk put dog shit on our door so I called and left a message to the leasing agents and told them to call be back but it has been about three weeks and not one person has called me back. It also doesn't help that one of the leasing agents is my "ex's" current girlfriend. Not that he was every my boyfriend but again that is neither here nor there. She is a complete bitch to me and only deals with my boyfriend. All I want to do is tell her to go fuck herself and to get over it. That shit's been over for 4 years now.
So that's one thing. I mean, who puts dog shit on someone's door? I mean think about it. You have to pick up dog shit and physically place it on the door. You must be a sick, dirty person to even do that. Now mind you (sorry about the visual) but when I have to pick up my own doggie's poo with a plastic baggie, I am sceeved out to no end. Ugh nasty!!!
My other problem with my complex is that we have a pool. Now, I like the pool. It is a decent size and there are plenty of lounge chairs. However, again, the complex sucks at enforcing their own rules. For instance, you are not allowed to drink alcohol at the pool. I get it, liability issues. You don't need a drunk ho drowning in the pool. I haven't seen much of that, but whatever. Same thing with smoking, you are not allowed to smoke in the pool area. That's icky, so I have no problem with that either. I haven't seen any of it, but apparently that is a problem. The other thing is that you are only allowed to use the pool if you LIVE at Willowbrook or if you live at the other complex Picerne owns which is down the road. I am cool with that as well.
Here is what I am not cool with: Assholes taking up parking in my lot (which happens to be next to the pool, but it is not guest parking) when guest parkers are suppose to park near the leasing office and walk down to the pool (which happens to be right next to the leasing office). Also, those same assholes don't know how to park, take all of the parking, or they park on the rode which they are not suppose to do either.
I also hate that people from the neighborhood think they can use the pool. Those jackoffs don't pay rent. So why the hell are they using the pool? When you see people from the neighborhood walking from across the street from the neighborhood which pool stuff then going down to the pool and no one says anything, we have a problem.
The best part is the leasing assholes sent out a reminder notice. They basically said they have seen people breaking rules so they are giving everyone a warning reminding them of it. If they catch anyone breaking the rules, they will be kicked out and can't return for the rest of the summer.

Here is a question. If you see these people breaking the rules, then why don't you tell them when you see them? Shouldn't you nip that shit in the bud as soon as you see it? Like if you see people from the neighborhood walking over to use the pool, shouldn't you kick them out? No. Because PICERNE SUCKS!! Why don;t you make everyone get pool passes? You need to bring a pool pass to use the pool and have someone police it for awhile until the jerkoffs get the hint? Oh wait, you won't because you're picerne and the people who work for you SUCK!!!

Also, another shit thing about Willowbrook, don't tell them you have a dog. Or any animals for that matter. They don't care and don't give a shit. They apparently have "rules" such as no dogs over 40lbs, but I have seen massive breeds, german shepherds and the like. So if you want an apartment complex that is lax on rules and plain ol' doesn't give a shit, move to Willowbrook!


Thank you for listening to my rant. I promise next time my posts won't be so far between and I will share antics from my new kitty Obi Wan Ke-nobi.

You Know You Love Me

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