Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Gone With The Wind and other relationships gone KAPUT


I finished Gone With The Wind by Margaret Mitchell. Good Luck with the reading if you ever decide to. I struggled with the last 100 pages until I had 30 pages left. Then the action started all over again and then I was engrossed once more.

This book is almost 1000 pages long and it is an easy read, as I have stated before but it does just keep going and going. Scarlett O'Hara is an infuriating character but she is so real because we all know a Scarlett O'Hara in our lives. I cannot fault Mitchell on her character development because it was damn good. I wish I had read this novel during school because I would have loved to write a paper on the love triangle (in Scarlett's mind) between Ashley, Rhett and Scarlett. When she FINALLY realizes that she is in love with a memory that is Ashley and really loves Rhett, I wanted to bitch slap her and say "DUH, Scarlett, you ignorant slut!" (Thank you Michael Scott). And when she also comes to the realization that Melanie was her only real friend, that was a DUH moment (ignorant slut). While I loved to hate Scarlett, she was the only one who had any gumption to seize the day and do something even after the world she had known was destroyed.

One of my favorite parts of the book was after Scarlett returns to Tara and she is foraging for food for the family. She is struggling with her load and she declares that she will never from this forth go hungry ever again. I loved the imagery and totally envisioned the scene so vividly.

I have a lot of issues with the book in terms of the historical information. I feel that Mitchell glamorized a lot of the confederacy and from reading it seems as if she used a lot of what she was told by others. I appreciate the view point of a southerners' perspective of the Civil War, but too much glamorization and ignoring of the facts. Mitchell obviously was no fan of Uncle Tom's Cabin, as she jabs at the book multiple times.

Now the question remains whether I should see the movie. But to quote Rhett Butler, "My dear, I don't give a damn". After reading the novel, not sure if I want to sit through a 4 hour movie and be disappointed.

Next book I am reading is for the 1001 Book Club, A Passage to India. Much shorter then GWTW, hopefully it's a good read.

Until next time!

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